Wim Legrand

Wim Legrand


Wim Legrand, born in 1978 in Antwerp, Belgium, is a painter and master printmaker now based in Cape Town. After earning his degree in Visual Arts in 2000, he went on to refine his printmaking skills at an esteemed international center for graphic arts. His career has since evolved in both painting and printmaking, blending traditional fine art techniques with modern influences. Legrand’s practice is marked by an eclectic merging of painting, drawing, and pop culture references, creating a distinctive style that draws on both his North European roots and contemporary themes.



Legrand has exhibited widely, with numerous solo shows in Belgium and South Africa, and his work has been featured in prominent group exhibitions worldwide, including a recent show in Shanghai. Some of his most notable solo exhibitions include "While You Were Sleeping" (2023) in Amsterdam, "Hoot Hoot" (2022) in Gent, and multiple exhibitions at 99Loop Gallery in Cape Town, such as "Blue Moon" (2022) and "The Parafix" (2020). He has also received recognition for his artistic contributions, winning the Joris Olyslager Prize in Flanders in 2007, and his work continues to garner attention internationally.

勒格朗的作品在全球范围内展出,包括比利时和南非的多次个展,以及在上海等地的重要群展。他知名的个展包括2023年在阿姆斯特丹Enari画廊的《While You Were Sleeping》,2022年在根特Kamer 108的《Hoot Hoot》,以及在开普敦99Loop画廊的多场个展,如2022年的《Blue Moon》和2020年的《The Parafix》。他还因其艺术贡献获得了多项荣誉,最著名的是2007年获得的弗兰德的乔里斯·奥利斯拉格奖(Joris Olyslager Prize),他的作品在国际上持续受到关注。

Words from the curator

Legrand’s artistic approach reflects an interplay between traditional and contemporary aesthetics. His work often invokes the formal rigor of Flemish still life painting, blending it with surrealist and postmodern elements to create narratives that feel simultaneously familiar and dreamlike. In his paintings, mundane objects and figures take on symbolic roles, inhabiting a liminal space where the past and present, the real and the imagined, converge. By layering historical art references with contemporary motifs, Legrand comments on the strangeness of modern life, offering a playful yet poignant critique of the flood of media and information that shapes our understanding of the world.


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