Yolanda Mazwana

Yolanda Mazwana


Born in 1996 in Port Elizabeth, RSA, Yolanda Mazwana is a self-taught artist whose work explores themes related to mental illness, phobias, popular culture, and relationships. She combines elements of abstract expressionism, neo-expressionism, and symbolism in her paintings. Mazwana's series "Symptoms of Nothing" (2019) uses color and texture to depict the ambiguous experiences of individuals suffering from hypochondria. This symbolic use of color and texture reflects the idea that hypochondriacs may not fully understand their experiences or the reasons behind them. Her debut solo exhibition "Secret Homegirls" (2019) focuses on observing agoraphobic individuals, known as secret homegirls, forming the central focus of her body of work.



In 2020, Mazwana was granted The Bag Factory Young Woman Studio Bursary in Johannesburg. During the same year, she received the second prize for the Emerging Painting Invitational Prize in Harare, Zimbabwe. Recently, she took part in the NIROX Foundation Artist Residency and THE FOURTH Artist Residency Programme in South Africa. Her artwork has been exhibited at multiple public and private venues in South Africa and Berlin, Germany.

2020年,尤兰达·马兹瓦纳获得了位于约翰内斯堡的The Bag Factory Young Woman Studio Bursary。同年,她还获得了津巴布韦哈拉雷Emerging Painting Invitational Prize的第二名。最近,她参加了南非NIROX基金会艺术家驻地项目以及THE FOURTH艺术家驻地计划。她的作品曾在南非和德国柏林的多个公共和私人场所展出。

Words from the curator

Mazwana says, “I paint unusual formative characters to connect the dots about the questions around the female body, and what it goes through. I vent about the vulnerabilities of the mind, the emotions, the reproductive system and how our physical and physiological responses to trauma aect us. How our bodies respond to medications and the things that go misdiagnosed, The things that are going to be dismissed and forgotten, the things we have to protect ourselves from. The things we choose to keep hidden, to be healed and protected."


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