As seen in the present work, playfulness is central to Erik de Bree's creative process. Cheerful colors and unexpected lines evoke a childlike sense of whimsical purity. The creation process is integral to the final visual outcome, allowing viewers to see the buildup of layers and imagine the ripping motions. Unlike structured and calculated proportions, De Bree's works embrace chance, celebrating the unpredictability of life. In addition to tearing paper by hand, De Bree also carves lines into the paper with a knife and filling them with ink. The current series, "Withdrawal Symptoms," refers to drawing lines with a pencil, just as "Wallpaper Paintings" refers to applying planes with paint. Afterward, parts of the drawing are removed to reintroduce the element of surprise.
如这件作品所示,玩趣感是埃里克·德布雷创作过程的核心。鲜艳的颜色和意想不到的线条唤起了孩童般的纯真和荒诞。艺术家的创作过程是最终视觉效果的重要组成部分,使观众能够看到层次的累积并想象其撕裂纸张的动作。与结构化和提前计算好的比例相反,德布雷的作品拥抱着偶然性,庆祝着生活的不可预测性。 除了用手撕纸之外,德布雷还使用另一种技法:用刀在纸上刻线并填充墨水。目前的系列《戒断症状》指的是用铅笔画线,类似《墙纸绘画》颜料涂抹平面的灵感一般。之后,部分表面会被撕除,以引入更加意外的元素。
Created in 2020
Spraypaint, ink and torn paper on panel
62 x 45.5 cm
62 x 45.5 cm
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